January 23, 2009

"Don't just put me in a box..."

I realized relatively recently how I was raised to see God in a very specific way.

I was thinking about how in Mission Year we often mentioned seeing Jesus in the people around us (the homeless, poor, and prostitutes) and how I felt like that's a rather "out there" kind of thing to say. Growing up, Jesus was in a very particular setting, and saying that you could see His glorious, peaceful, loving face in a person, let alone a "broken" person would have been stretching it.

Last night I saw mewithoutYou in Old City and they closed with a wonderful song where the verses said various things like "In everyone we meet, Allah, Allah," and "In every blade of grass..." I loved it. It is a beautiful song.

*I think to put Jesus in a very culturally-specific setting (particularly one that Jesus would not have been a part of) is not only hypocritically dangerous, but also very limiting to him. People see God in so many different ways and he uses them to draw us to himself. To say he only appears and interacts in a certain 5 ways is, to say the least, ignorant.

*This goes for me as well.


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