Solid rock.
Yesterday I got to work and logged into my email as I always do. I found an email that said "Facebook: ..... Invited you to the group; Conservative Christians praying for president Obama."
Ugh. It's potentially the corniest thing I've ever read. EVER. There's so much wrong with it. Like, I know that we're supposed to "pray for our leaders" and all that, but this cause was/is clearly over-labeled. Why not "prayers for Obama"? The label of conservative Christians has so many implications, none of which are good by my thinking. It's some very divisive language.
I wonder how many conservative Christians know that the current president claims to follow the same religion as the last one... I keep hearing about the emails that circulate saying that he was born in Africa or that he's Muslim or that he's "radical." Please. None of those things are true.
And seriously, if you're so concerned about the downturn of this country, start a prayer group at your church. Not on freaking facebook of all places. And then, perhaps pray for things like why terrorists hold the country in contempt (endless wars and killing of innocent people ring a bell?). Pray for the people who own this country. The oil, cigarette, alcohol, entertainment companies. Pray for them. They need it.
For the record, I am not a supporter of president Obama. So this isn't some "liberal" condemnation of conservatives.
The whole prayer group through facebook thing is so typically American. "I'd rather be passive aggressive* and start a pseudo-group on the internet than actually do anything about it." Work on some plank-in-eye removal folks. Change starts with you, not with a politician. Truth is truth regardless of who's in office.
Remember folks, "our hope is built on NOTHING (break it down, no-thing, no-single-thing) less than JESUS' blood and righteousness." Jesus, forgive us for forgetting you, our first love.
Lord, prevent us from trusting in the "sweet" frames of this fallen world. Protect us from the foxes ruining your vineyards. Have mercy on us.
* Yes. I see the irony of complaining about passive aggresiveness and typing a blog about this whole thing.
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