January 7, 2009

Wealth Distribution Pt II.

The real issue with wealth distribution is that it ultimately won't solve anything. It won't address the issues that bring about situations that lead people to believe that we need to redistribute our resources.

Don't get me wrong, sharing stuff is good. People should do it. Redistributing is kind of a shame. Can you appreciate the distinction? Redistributing and sharing are quite different. Sharing implies a sense of mutuality, there's a mutual reliance between the parties. Redistribution is taking from one group and giving it to a "lesser" group.

The problem lies in how people view each other. We need to shake this idea that we're unequal, and then we need to act on our "newly discovered" (more like finally admitted if it happens) equality. The real issues are in our hearts, not in our policies. The policies aren't even part of the equation because their source is defunct. I recall hearing something from somebody about a plank in our eyes...

We need to fix our hearts. How do we do this? We pursue Jesus, the life-giver. When we see others through His eyes, real change takes place. If we deal with issues at the source they'll actually get fixed. We can fiddle around with the edges of it for as long as we want but nothing will ever get done until we deal with the source.

Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.


At 9:26 AM , Blogger Lindsey said...

Oh, BOY do I appreciate this distinction. This is a fine point, Jordan. A FINE POINT.

We are all equals. Unfortunately, we all, in one way or another, either refuse to believe it or spend our lives working to prove that this is untrue. But it is true. No one is better than anyone else, no one has any more to offer. We need to understand that our gifts are different but EQUAL. And because of this, we rely on each other in the ways we can. "share" is a great term.


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