September 17, 2009

Jeff Harding.

Another short post.

Here's a video of my 12th grade gym teacher, Jeff Harding (the tall one in the dark Bears jersey) fighting Rob Ray, one of the most notorious fighters in NHL history. It's an AHL game before they cracked the NHL.

Jeff Harding went on to play a total of 15 NHL games with the Flyers. No points, an even +/-, and 47 penalty minutes. He played on the ice against both Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemiuex. Grinder for sure.



Today at work this customer was talking to several of us. She stops talking, looks at me and says:

"I'm sorry I keep looking at you, it's just that you look like Steve-O."

Good times.

September 16, 2009

This is a video of Kanye West "interrupting" Obama's health care speech. Pretty funny.

September 10, 2009

Just a quick line to mention that "Life in General" by MxPx is still one of favorite albums of all-time. Like, top 3.

It totally rules. Go listen to "Doing Time" right now.

September 7, 2009

Last week I was surfing youtube and unfortunately found my way to a FoxNews video from June of 2008. They're talking about/bashing Barack Obama in whatever way when Mike Huckabee brings up Obama's comments about the sermon on the mount, which he claims Obama said is outdated (which is true, in the sense that it doesn't fit any dating period). Colmes quickly corrects him, saying that Obama said that the defense department wouldn't be able to stand under the sermon on the mount (I did read that part of Audacity of Hope). Huckabee attacks this view saying that the sermon on the mount was "never intended for use in civil government."

Check at about 1:40 in the video.

The funny part of it is that Huckabee is a Christian. When he said that, I immediately thought, "That's the whole point!" You don't need a civil government if we're following Jesus and his example. If we're serving each other and considering others better than ourselves we'll work Obama and all his political pals out of their jobs. I'd that Mike Huckabee contradicted his beliefs on air and should've quit his job right then.

As Christians, our allegiance is to Jesus Christ first. Ultimately, it's supposed to be our only allegianceNot your job. Not your country. Jesus.


September 6, 2009


Yesterday Lindsey and I ventured just outside Staunton to Polyface Farms. This farm has been documented extensively in books by Michael Pollan and in Food, Inc. We'd heard about it and thought it was great. When a customer came into Starbucks the other day and asked about it, we figured it was time to check it out.

We arrived and strolled into the store, which is more of a large shed with a bunch of refrigerators in it. We asked to buy some eggs and said we only wanted a half dozen (Lindsey's vegan, so we don't need too many). Turns out they only sell them by the dozen, but he only charged us for half a dozen! We also bought some apple juice from a farm up in Front Royal, about an hour away. They have sweet shirts too, but we held off.

They let you roam the farm to see what it's like. We just wandered off, checking out their chickens and pigs and enjoying the sunny day. One of their baby-broilers had found it's way outside of the coup, so we spent close to 10 minutes trying to corral this thing to get it back inside. It was comical. We'd get close and be afraid to pick it up. We looked ridiculous. We eventually gave up, concluding that if it just walked around the outside of the cage trying to get back in, it wasn't going to wander off somewhere into danger.

It was a great day. And the apple juice is great.

September 1, 2009

Jason Kay posted (mostly) some excellent suggestions on his blog at The Hockey news. I especially appreciate his suggestion to return to a divisional playoff format like in the late 80s/early 90s and to take out the anthems before games.